Ecclesiastes 2, 5: 1-7: Parallels: James 4: 2-10
Ecclesiastes is a wisdom book, but also a very unique book of the Bible. Unlike the other wisdom Books (Job,Proverbs) there are few if any direct quotes from Ecc in the NT. However, the wisdom & ideas of Ecc are alluded to even by Jesus. As the Lord’s prayer says: Give us “THIS DAY” our daily bread.” & “Thy Will be done on Earth”. Ecc teaches that we are to live IN the present and not FOR the present. Our lives are FOR our eternal future & following God’s plan on earth for that future in his Kingdom.
About 18 years ago I had the Lord speaking to me & he was laying a plan for me. I chose not to listen then & turned away to my own selfish desires. This was a path that led to struggles, hurt, worry, heart break, sleepless nights & more poor choices. However, God kept working on my heart. After years I would get to a breaking point & my heart knew my only option was to drop to my knees & let it all go & let God clean up my mess! That next day, I got the call for a job I desperately needed & it opened the door to the career that I still have today 11 years later.
When studying Ecc, I couldn’t help but see the selfish similarities between myself & the Teacher, both searching for “meaning” & thinking “I”, “Me”,”Myself” could actually make a “purpose” for time on Earth. I realized the only thing I control is today & enjoy what has been provided by God in my life. Yesterday is gone & tomorrow is in God’s hands. We must prepare for our future on earth, but do this by seeking God’s will on our path. Seek,Listen,Act!
Last year, I heard the SAME call from God that I did 18 years ago, but this time, with even more flaws & imperfections in my past, he put a lion in my heart! God prepared me. Even with my poor choices, I changed my heart & he changed my future when I looked for Him. My rocky path is still worthy of being used for HIS purpose. This time after seeking & listening, I vowed to act on his call. Following God’s plan has led me to places beyond my greatest imagination, but all in HIS time. And this is just the beginning….
What are your dreams? What vow have you made to God? Have you asked God about your plans? Write them down & pray on them today.
Oh heavenly Father, we praise you for another day with your mercy. We ask that you open our hearts to let go of yesterday & listen for your will on our dreams & for our future. Quiet our impatient hearts to hear your call & fill us with boldness to act on your will. Let us hold our vows to you as you have no excuses when keeping your promise of grace & love to us. In your name we pray and all of God’s children say, Amen.
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