💥Celebrating God’s Love All Year!
🐱James 1:22- “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
🐱 James 1: 27- “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
🐱Isaiah 58:10- ” and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”
What is this all about?
💭One day I received a package in the mail from my faithful family & friends that changed my life. You all know who you are! It flamed an unstoppable fire for Christ in me again. This site started because of the inspiration of Jesus’ love from my friends.
📖I wrote a Testimony on my spiritual journey to find my purpose in life. God lit a fire in me and inspired me to create a prayer journal for my nieces, nephews and those that call me “Auntie” to always know the hope of God. I wanted them to carry these verses knowing no matter the challenges, God will see you through. That these Words from God guided me through some of the toughest times of my life and would give them strength in their struggles too. As I have no children, I wanted to give them a legacy of Faith that had also been given to me from my grandmother, mother & father. Then I felt called to do more than just share that journey, but continue sharing my Walk with God.
✝️ Praying With Puko-Prayer Journal is a Passion Project and Not for Profit. All proceeds for 2023 will go to charitable causes. We try to keep the cost low to you while still making ~ $5.00 profit to donate.
🧾 Online ordering open globally! Link Below!
If you need assistance on ordering a PWP journal: comment, email, reach out on social media and we will work to get you one.
🎁Every Month we will take proceeds from Praying With Puko (PWP) sales and make a donation on the 25th of every month. Hopefully we can give at least $25 a month!
Check back for each Month’s Christmas Gift Recipient!
📣At ANY TIME you can “nominate” local charities, teachers, organisations, church/school projects, or even a person who needs help, by commenting on posts, sending Direct message, sharing PWP Posts, tagging (FB/Insta) PWP in your posts, stories, or emailing Pukos.porch@gmail.com.
With prayers, I will narrow it to 3 & on the Sunday before the 25th of a month I will post a poll for you to vote in PWP Stories. You will choose! 😃
🚨We hope sharing these organizations information will also help get them other support and also inspire you to look in your own local communities about how you can help those in need.
🙏🏻🐱 Oh Heavenly Father, thank you for your love & mercy. While helping to grow in our faith we have been able to also give to others. Lord watch over those who are trying to do good in the world. Let this monthly gift in your honour be used for the good of your children. Let them see love as you would give to them. In your name and to you all the glory. Amen.
#christianfaith #Biblestudy #Romans15 #Godsblessings #sharekindness
#spiritualwalk #christianaction #godsglory #salvation #prayerlife
JAN 2023: Day 1 Bags, Texas
FEB 2023: Boerne Reads, Texas
MARCH 2023: Comfort Golden Age Center, TX
April 2023: Ingram,TX Elementary: Duck Derby-Mrs.Smurr’s Team
Click the buttons below to learn more about Our April Winner and the programs Nominated below. See how you may be able to help too!
May 2023: No Strings Attached, TX
May winner to be announced 25MAY2023! We only had one nominee, so this month was an easy choice!
Click the link to find out more about this organization. And don’t forget to nominate for June!
June 2023: Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center, TX
June PWP Christmas Every Month GIft Recipient: Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center!
July 2023
We are so excited to finally be able to gift this great organization! July PWP Christmas Every Month GIft Recipient: Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center! Click the link Below to learn more!

August/Sept 2023
AUGUST/SEPTEMBER Nominations are open until 20 Sept! Do you know an organization, family, school project that needs support? We are giving $100 this month! Let us know your Nomination using the Button below!
October 2023
November 2023
December 2023