✝️May is Foster Care Awareness Month. Our First PWP Christmas Every Month gift recipient was Day 1 Bags. God keeps calling us back as we have joined their Foster Care awareness campaign for the month of May. 👀Check out Day1 Bags website & Facebook page to learn more and how you can participate. Join us…
Category: Paws4Prayer
A reminder to pause for prayer. P4P: People. Praise.Pardon.Practice
➡️From East to West!
🐱PWP May Passages-2Chronicles & Psalm 103 📖Spiritual Inventory: First of the Month: Reconcile, Refresh, Renew, Restart 📆 Time to prepare yourself for the New Month. Take the time today to let go of the past & focus on where you are in your life, where you want to be & how will you get there….
📌Impacting Others!
📆Last Day of Month! 🐱Proverbs 16: 12-33 📖When reading the book of Proverbs (or a lot of the Bible), it’s important to note that some of the sayings may not be directly applicable to our modern world, but the underlying principles are still relevant today. Proverbs 16, for instance, mentions the king five times, emphasizing…
♾️The Holy Spirit Comes
🐱 Acts 1: 12-26, Parallels: Proverbs 16: 33 📖After the ascension of Christ, Luke & the disciples along with Jesus’ mother & brothers, grieving the loss of Jesus, return to the upper room & pray. We learn a bit of what happened to Judas from Luke’s account. Then Peter speaks of the old scriptures being…
📆 His Will, His Plan
25APR2023: His Will, His Plan 🎄April PWP-Christmas Every Month Winner! 🐱 Proverbs 16: 1-9 , Parallels: James 4: 13-15, Psalm 37: 23, Ecclesiastes 5: 1-7 📖The influence of Solomon is seen again in Proverbs 16. It offers insight into the importance of seeking wisdom & guidance from God in our daily lives. The passage begins…
✝️April Nominees!
Christmas Every Month: Isaiah 58:10 We have 3 Nominees for the PWP-April Christmas Every Month Gift. Swipe through to learn more and vote by commenting, DMing & Voting in Stories shared this week. The Voting will end on Wednesday-24APR and Recipient Announced 25APR. Isaiah 58: 10 ..and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the…
🕊️The Instruction
Acts 1: 7-8: He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. 🐱Acts1:1-11…
⏰God’s Time
⏰God’s Time First Day of the Month! PWP April Passages-Acts 1 & Proverbs 16 Spiritual Inventory: First of the Month: Reconcile, Refresh, Renew, Restart Time to prepare yourself for the New Month. Take the time today to let go of the past & focus on where you are in your life, where you want to…
💪Work In Progress
💪Work in Progress; Last Day of Month! 🐱Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20 📖While most of Ecc 5 might seem negative towards life on earth, the Teacher does determine that things are good on this earth & that God gave us this life to live abundantly & find joy under the sun. We should enjoy the fruits of…
💝Generosity of God
🐱 Matthew 20: 1-16-Parable of the Vineyard Workers; Ecclesiastes 5 Parallels: Isaiah 44: 6-8, Luke 23:42 📖 This parable from Jesus is a bit unique to me. It isn’t found in the other gospels & it also doesn’t have a clear explanation from Jesus. It can be taken as a discussion about employment, equal pay,…